Awaken your potentials

Awaken your potentials

Everything you need

A daily dose of energy brings out the best in you

Everything you need

A daily dose of energy brings out the best in you

ensures a good mood
anti-aging effect

increases libido
compensates for deficiency symptoms

reduces feelings of stress

increases concentration
increases the testosterone level

gives stamina and power
invigorates heart & circulatory functions

Are you ready
FOR GE-man?

Are you ready
FOR GE-man?

About Ge-Man

Ge-man’s credo is: “That’s not it yet!” – Falling down is not a disgrace, but not getting up is. The founder of Ge-man committed himself to this guiding principle a long time ago. Ge-man wants to and will go new ways – novel and healthy products, sustainability, reliability, social commitment and intercultural competence.

Ge-man also cultivates open, fair and transparent dealings with partners, employees, customers and all people who want to become part of the Ge-man world.

About Ge-Man

Ge-man’s credo is: “That’s not it yet!” – Falling down is not a disgrace, but not getting up is. The founder of Ge-man committed himself to this guiding principle a long time ago. Ge-man wants to and will go new ways – novel and healthy products, sustainability, reliability, social commitment and intercultural competence.

Ge-man also cultivates open, fair and transparent dealings with partners, employees, customers and all people who want to become part of the Ge-man world.

Ge-man on Amazon

We have decided to go the long way and become an official Amazon partner to make our product available to the entire European market. So from now on, Ge-man will enable extreme athletes, racing drivers and gamers all over Europe to deliver their best performance – and we are proud of that!

Ge-man on Amazon

We have decided to go the long way and become an official Amazon partner to make our product available to the entire European market. So from now on, Ge-man will enable extreme athletes, racing drivers and gamers all over Europe to deliver their best performance – and we are proud of that!

Our Ambassadors

Our brand ambassador are enthusiastic about the Ge-man® effect.

ge-man Luca Bertossio

Luca Bertossio

Aerobatics Pilot

Ravensburg Razorbacks

American Football Team

Helvetic Mercenaries

American Football Team

HSG Konstanz

Handball team

Geman Italia

Cycling team


Singer and songwriter

Schisandra berry

Schisandra berry

ensures a good mood, anti-aging effect

The Schisandra berry is a Chinese medicinal plant that has been used for thousands of years in China against numerous health complaints. The small "berries of the five tastes" (Wu Wei Zi) actually taste very unusual. Among other things, they strengthen memory, eyesight and hearing, and not least the libido of men and women. Their liver-strengthening effect has even been proven in medical studies. All in all, schisandra berries are considered a fountain of youth, with the help of which one can grow very old without signs of age.



increases libido, compensates for deficiency symptoms

The effect of Moringa is based on healthy plant substances, especially protein, minerals and vitamins characterise the plant parts of the Moringa tree. In addition, the roots, leaves, seeds and fruit provide high concentrations of secondary plant substances, including anthoyans, beta-carotene, lutein, quercetin, kaempferol, tannin, ellagic acid, saponins and terpenes. These are antioxidants, i.e. substances that protect our cells from free radicals. These aggressive oxygen compounds are produced in the body under oxidative stress, for example by UV light, environmental toxins, alcohol and constant tension. Free radicals play a role in the development of cancer and vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis. In addition, they accelerate the ageing of the skin and internal organs.

Moringa contains especially many antioxidants
The antioxidants of the moringa tree are particularly strong in the fight against free radicals. The so-called ORAC value (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is used to determine how potent antioxidants from fruit and vegetables are. This value shows how many free radicals the food can render harmless. Studies have shown that the Moringa tree, with an ORAC of 10,000 to 60,000 units, probably beats all other fruits and vegetables that are otherwise considered good suppliers of antioxidants.

Moringa to lose weight and stay slim
Presumably, the large amount of these substances is the reason why tea and powder from the moringa tree do not exactly flatter the palate, but rather taste bitter and pungent. But it is precisely these bitter and pungent substances that make moringa so suitable for weight loss. The substances are known to melt excess body fat. They stimulate digestion, curb appetite and make you feel full faster. Moringa powder, moringa tea or moringa capsules can therefore support any diet. By the way, moringa is also suitable for staying slim after a diet, i.e. to avoid the yo-yo effect.

Moringa for vegetarians and vegans
In addition, moringa provides a lot of high-quality vegetable protein - about twice as much as soy. This is not only important for losing weight. The plant protein provides lasting satiety and ensures that the muscles do not suffer when losing weight. The high protein content is also interesting for all those who abstain from meat. Vegetarians and vegans therefore benefit from moringa as a meat substitute. In addition, moringa oil, seeds, powder and roots contain numerous vitamins and minerals.



relaxes, reduces feelings of stress

Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is a species of plant in the saffron mallow genus (Turnera). Its natural range extends from southern North America to Argentina. This species is mainly known for its attributed effect as a natural aphrodisiac, but it is also used as a tonic due to the essential oils it contains, such as cineole and thymol, and for colds due to its caffeine content. Damiana originally comes from Central America and southern North America. Mexican doctors and indigenous people use damiana as a medicinal plant against spasmodic complaints of the respiratory organs, nervous tension, depression and sexual disorders.



increases concentration, increases testosterone levels

The maca plant (Lepidium meyenii) belongs to the cress genus (Lepidium) in the cruciferous family (Brassicaceae). It is native to the Peruvian regions of Moquegua and Puno. Maca has been cultivated in the upper altitudes of the Peruvian Andes for about 2000 years and is used as a food and medicinal plant. The maca root is said to have positive effects on physical performance and mental resilience. There seems to be a positive effect on sexual dysfunction. Food supplements containing Maca powder have been marketed in Europe and the USA as a natural sexual enhancer for some time. As with many other remedies of this kind, these effects have now been partially scientifically proven.



gives stamina and power, invigorates heart & circulation functions

Guaraná (Paullinia cupana) is a plant species within the soap tree family (Sapindaceae). It is native to the Amazon basin. The name Guaraná refers to the South American indigenous Guaraní people. It has a long ethnobotanical tradition and its caffeine-containing seeds are often used as a food supplement and additive in drinks. Guaraná is said to have a mild antipyretic effect and to strengthen stamina in cases of physical weakness. Similar to coffee, guaraná has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system. It also curbs feelings of hunger and thirst.